Autonomous Worlds Game Jam (AA24 Recap

by PeterPUBLISHED Apr 22, 2024
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Last week, during 16-18th of April we brought together 132 builders and players of fully onchain games together for a game jam purely focused on modding games, with participants represented across the following games, projects and teams:

Ackee, Amegakure, Biomes, Briq, Cartridge, Cloudlines, Dope Wars, Eleven Yellow, Equilibrium, Ethereum Foundation, Etherplay, Footium, ggchronicles, ggQuest, Grugslair, Guildly, IDTheory, Inco, Interface, Jaw Drop Games, Lightshift, Magic Block, Mask, Mithraeum, Moving Castles, Nerd Monkey Games, Nouns Watch, Parallel, PixeLAW, Playmint, Polysensus, Primodium, ProofOfPlay, Realms, Rockaway, Rune Lab, Seismic, Semaeopus, Tonk, Topology, Trifle Labs, Voya Games, WASD, World Explorers, Yeomen, Zero Edge, zkorp, 1kx

In attendance, there were builders of onchain games, cryptographers, cryptonatives and many traditional game developers who had never built anything with crypto at all.

The goal of the event was to explore the theme of composability with the existing landscape of fully onchain games that were ready to launch later this year.

Since Dark Forest's last official round two years ago, composability as a property of fully onchain games has mostly been backstage a theoretical point of discussion while many of the next generation of games were being built. But now with a new wave of games near ready to ship, we at 1kx, felt it was salient to explore this once again.

Day 1

The event kicked off a keynote from Ludens, Co-founder of Lattice.

Next, we had 13 teams demo their games (links to their demos below):

Cursed MachineVideo Demo
Anybody ProblemVideo Demo
DopewarsVideo Demo
BiomesVideo Demo
PixeLAWVideo Demo
DownStreamVideo Demo
PrimodiumVideo Demo
Network StatesVideo Demo
MithraeumVideo Demo
Pirate NationVideo Demo
Loot SurvivorVideo Demo
SkyStrifeVideo Demo
StrategemsVideo Demo

After, we had Awtnmy from Archetypal present a keynot workshop on modding.

Builders were let go to form their own teams and build for the next 2 days!

Day 2

Most were busy building during this period!

The venue was packed throughout the day ~

We had a keynote presentation by guiltygyoza from Topology:

Day 3

We kicked off the hack submission presentations and had 22 teams submit!

Links to video presentations below:

IncognitosTreasure HuntCombine HarvestersHouse BInterlopersInvisible HandLebron-aramaAWBeatRobotscLAWTeam GeoffScoutYakuza RevengeEconomy General Horse Glue no23AmegakureSkystrife MetaQuestsDeep DealGrugs Lair & FriendsDownstream UtopiaHyperfarmpaco tobacco bytesFokax

You can find a great summary thread of the mods here by David Amor from Playmint.

Closing reflections

The fruits of labor from building during the last two years are starting to bear.

We are proud to contribute to the Autonomous Worlds movement and have never been more excited about the design space. A special thank you to Rich and Raquel from Archetypal for bridging the existing world of game development to their own bubble, and to Proof of Jake from WE for helping out as our stage volunteer!

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